How Innkeeper Or Hotel Owner Protecting Mattress?


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As an innkeeper or hotel owner, you cannot be too careful about protecting your mattresses from human contamination, bedbugs, dust mites, etc. So we always recommend good mattress hygiene by protecting your mattresses from bodily fluids, including blood, urine, perspiration. … Continue reading

Protective Bedding Options for Hotels


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Most inns and hotels have several requirements when considering the purchase of protective bedding. Their bedding must be: luxurious and comfortable, affordable but long-lasting, waterproof, offering protection against spills and bodily fluids, able to prevent infestations such as dust mites … Continue reading

Find The Most Convenient and Safest Mattress Encasement for You


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In last week’s blog, we talked about the way to protect your mattress and make it easier to clean. We had to put an all-side waterproof encasement to wrap up the mattress first, which is waterproof, dustproof, and bug-proof, but … Continue reading

Disposable VS. Reusable Bedwetting Mats


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If you’ve been pondering disposable vs. reusable bedwetting mats, we want to show you why you want to choose reusable. Disposable mats are costly to the environment and actually prove to be more expensive per use. They might seem more … Continue reading

What Is The First Step in Incontinence Care?


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The nursing risks and complications caused by lack of nursing knowledge and improper nursing have become a factor that can not be ignored in the lives of the elderly. Daily nursing occupies a very important position in the health of … Continue reading

An In-Depth Guide of Choosing Mattress Topper Size and Thickness (Part 2)


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In the previous blog, we talked about how to choose the appearance of mattress topper. Today, we will continue to discuss in depth how to choose the material and function of mattress topper. How to Choose a Cooling or Heating … Continue reading