A new fabric has been developed by researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology. The fabric can collect energy from sun, wind and motion.
The researchers find that new garments and mattress protectors may be developed by combining two forms of electricity generation into one textile. This kind of garments and mattress protectors can charge devices with their own source of energy.
The researchers integrate solar cells made from lightweight polymer fibres into fibre-based triboelectric nanogenerators with a commercial textile machine to make this fabric. Combining the triboelectric effect and electrostatic induction, triboelectric nanogenerators can generate a little electrical power from rotation, sliding or vibration. The researchers assume that the new fabric can be used for tents, curtains, mattress protectors or wearable garments. The fabric is characterized by flexibility, breathability and light weight, and applied to various fields.
“The backbone of the textile is made of commonly-used polymer materials that are inexpensive to make and environmentally friendly,” researchers said. “The electrodes are also made through a low cost process, which makes it possible to use large-scale manufacturing.”
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