The Link between Copper and Skin Care

In the quest for more youthful-looking skin, people will try everything from the latest beauty products hitting the shelves to surgical procedures that may or may not work at all. Surprisingly, the best anti-aging ingredient may be one found in our own bodies as well as in pipes, wires, and other household materials—copper! Copper is an essential trace element that is vital to the health of all living things. In humans, copper is essential to the proper functioning of organs and metabolic processes. It is completely safe and has been used throughout history.

Copper helps the growth of collagen and elastin, which strengthens and tightens the skin. It also fights infectious bacteria and inflammation. Copper’s antimicrobial capabilities have been well explored, copper is also becoming a key ingredient in skin creams, serums, and other beauty products, as well as natural anti-aging fabrics. But with our busy lives, few of us actually use such creams and lotions regularly. In addition to daily use, cost is also a huge concern for many people and is unaffordable in the long run. So, for those looking for simple, hassle-free skin care solutions, copper-infused bedding and copper eye masks are the way to go! With copper-infused fabrics, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of copper while you sleep!

According to findings from the research conducted by the EPA, copper was able to kill 99.9% of bacteria within two hours. Since copper is known to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi upon contact, the copper-infused bedding will provide you with complete anti-microbial protection against germs, microbes and other pathogens you might otherwise find in your bed including Superbugs like MRSA. In next blog, I’ll go into more detail about our copper-infused bedding.

Learn more: Spring Home textile video channel:, also can contact Angel at: [email protected].

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